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How Atlantis Yacht Club Works


Atlantis Yacht Club consists of Regular Members, as evidenced by their (COI) Certificate of Interest. (This certificate provides that…...“all rights hereunder shall continue only so long as the Registered Holder maintains his good standing as a Regular Member” ).  Other types of memberships are non-certificate holders.


The Regular Members elect the Officers and the Board of Governors, as provided in the Atlantis Yacht Club By-Laws.


The By-Laws regulate the operation of the Atlantis Yacht Club, and may be amended, by the Regular Members, as provided 


The Board of Governors runs the property, affairs, and concerns of the Club, in accordance with the By-Laws. The Board of Governors establishes the Club Rules, which provide the details of conduct and procedures. 


The Officers enforce the Club By-Laws and Rules and carry out the directives of the Board of Governors.


All Regular Members, Associate Members, and their spouses are urged to participate to help us keep Atlantis the fine family club it has been since 1961.


ATLANTIS YACHT CLUB is a 501 (c)7, non-profit organization

Phone: 732-222-9693

66 River Avenue

Monmouth Beach, NJ 07750

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